Communication Systems

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TACTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND C4I: L&T is a leading development agency for Tactical Communication Systems for the Indian Army. As part of the Tactical Communication System, L&T has developed several state-of-the-art modules for communication. The field-proven terrestrial transmission system (Frequency Hopping and High Capacity) and the field wireless systems based on modified 3GPP LTE providing secured wireless access designed by L&T enhance the communication capability of the Armed Forces in the Tactical Battle Area. The Tactical Core Routers, Robust Hybrid (Wired and Wireless) Network Access and Gateways, Tactical Messaging, Secure Unified Communications (IM, Presence, Data Communications, etc.), Signal Command, Control and Core Management offered as part of Tactical Communication Systems offer an innovative edge.

RAPID DEPLOYED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (RDCS): L&T offers RDCS suitable for Disaster Management and Homeland Security requirements. This open protocol-based system can seamlessly connect to legacy as well as advanced communication devices. A variant of RDCS is in service with the Indian Navy.

Back-haul connectivity with the following interfaces is provided:

  • SATCOM (back-haul inter and intra-node)
  • Microwave radio / radio-relay
  • Optical fibre
  • 4G Cellular networks

NETWORK-IN-A-BOX (NIB): L&T’s Network-in-a-Box (NIB) is a compact, portable and ready-in-minutes ‘Box’ Unit specifically built for Public Safety and Military Deployments. 4G/LTE communications allow ATAWAD (anytime, anywhere, on any device), with transparent access depending on the bandwidth and security level. This solution offers portable and quickly deployable LTE eNodeB, Core (EPC and VoLTE Service) and Virtualised Server Hardware all in a Single Unit (NIB), making it a versatile product.